St. Ambrose Catholic Church Master Plan
Diocese of Lafayette-In-Indiana - Seymour, Indiana
In February 2020, Scholer Corporation completed a Master Plan Report for St. Ambrose Catholic Church in Seymour, Indiana.
Initially, three different planning options were presented and examined to determine the feasibility of integrating the parish's long-range program and goals into a strategic Master Plan.
Option 1
Demolish existing church and rectory. Build new church on existing site connected to existing Parish Center and new Parish Center addition and offices. Convert existing Parish Center to school spaces. Build new rectory on newly acquired property east of existing location.
Option 2
Repurpose existing church as youth or retreat center, or demolish for green space. Convert existing Parish Center to school spaces. Build new 700-800 seat church, gathering space and Parish Center with large fellowship hall, religious education/ meeting rooms and parish offices. Add parking at existing and newly acquired properties.
Option 3
Build new 700-800 seat church, gathering space and Parish Center with large fellowship hall, religious education/meeting rooms and parish offices connected to east side of existing Parish Center. Demolish existing church for green space or prayer garden and optional new stand-alone bell tower. Convert existing Parish Center to school spaces. Demolish existing rectory and build new rectory on existing site. Add parking at existing and newly acquired properties and right-of-ways.
Following several planning meetings, the parish planning committee chose to further investigate Options #1 and #3 in terms of pros vs. cons and financial impact. These options were presented at an open parish meeting in October of 2019. Parishioners were encouraged to discuss positive and negative attributes of each option and share their comments with the planning committee.
Upon consideration of responses at the October meeting and subsequent comments received in November and December, the planning committee selected Option #3 as the preferred and recommended Master Plan.